Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1000 DOWN...500 TO GO

I hit the 1000km, mark on July 31, great way to end the month of July!

I never would of anticipated at the beginning of this journey, that the 750 - 1000 kms would be so hard.  It was mentally and physically the hardest kms I have ever done.  The heat zapped my energy, and made me feel like a kettle getting unplugged.   The numbness and tinkling to my feet and legs make it hard to continue to pedal.   I coped a couple of times by going out and just doing a short cycle run, my supportive husband began calling this, just going to blow the stink off!.. Such a nice send off !

Thanks to my sister Lori, who when I was chatting with her said, take a break and do something else... I think just getting the permission to take a mental break helped.   I know it seems small to healthy bikers out there, but for me with limited energy this is all so consuming.  I am looking forward to cycling because I love it and  I can, than because I have to!

We headed to the mountains on the weekend, and went early to cycle from Canmore to Banff and back again.   I love this run, the views are breathtaking and I love to cycle outside of the city!  It was a great day,  here's the view when I hit the 900km mark.

The following story is true!  but I have to admit if I hadn't of experienced it first hand I would not believe it.

The heat was really bothering me and I used lots of our water with soaking head and pouring it down my back to cool off on our way back.   I finally decided to sip on a orange sports drink, we stopped again at where we hit the 900 mark as Wes thought he could get a better picture.  I sat in the shade and poured some more liquid in my hair and down my back, and when I ran my hand through my hair I realized it was orange and sticky!...  Now I'm sitting there looking like a complete idiot when a group of tourists with 3 dogs about 30 feet away were going for a hike and were struggling with opening the gate, when the man of the group asks one of the hiker if she sprayed her dog with the bear spray? She responded yes from the neck down, I'm sure my mouth was wide open, I was about to get up and let them know about it, when the lady of the group said, we sprayed our tent last night and there was a smell to it, and I think it attracts the bears!  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, than she said, I think we are using this bear spray wrong and when we are done we are going to the warden and getting directions on how to use it.  I thought ok who are they going to listen to the idiot with orange sticky hair and orange stained shirt or the park warden?  I sat back down and enjoyed the shade!   I guess they thought  it worked like mosquito repellent.

Oh did you notice the neat socks I'm wearing.... I got them on our trip to Jasper .. Love them!

I finally got a long run in today, and it was great.   I felt stronger than I have in a few weeks, and as I've said before there are times that cycling alone brings it own peace to me, it is both emotionally and physically healing. I enjoyed the beauty of  the clouds building a storm and the sun peaking through them.   The only glitch I had was realizing I was going to hit the 1000 mark and I wasn't sure if it would turn back to zero, so I headed home to get my camera. I searched  for about 20 minutes, during the search I did find an old granola bar, it tasted pretty good.   I finally found the camera and went to do 8 k's to get to the milestone.    It turned close to our house on the red path, and I jumped off and took out the camera... dead batteries!....I went home and got Wes's camera and got a picture of this great milestone.  Thank goodness I could ditch the bike and head home, it's a picture  I am glad I have to share!

.In my dream world, I  enjoyed cycling through Yorkton and looking at all the changes and remembering my teen years with some smiles,regrets but always with a giggle.   I am in Bredenbury and when you Google the town, they tell me it has 364 residents in a quiet community with paved streets.... Really glad for the paved streets.   I am 42kms from the Manitoba border and I find that hard to believe.   The rest of my dream world travels will be with an open mind as I  have no memories or experiences with the rest of the trip.    Only the road trips of going back to my folks place.

My wish for those reading this today, is that you have a day filled with understanding and gratefulness for those in your world that surround you with love and support.  And of course the temp is your favorite temp for a summer day..

Take care my friends

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