Sunday, August 19, 2012

Less than 300 kms to go!

It's been such a scattered week, that it's hard to focus on where to start sharing.    First I want to thank Sharon for the letter she sent to the Cochrane Eagle about my crazy cycle journey, such kind words.   I went to send the link to my sister Kim as she wanted to read it and than found a lovely response from someone I haven't heard from since she moved to New York!   Double kind words!   I have great friends.

On one of my cycle rides this week, I made myself a extra hot latte and stopped for a visit with the Bow Valley quilters a group I am proud to be a part of.     I shared some giggles, enjoyed my coffee and when I was leaving a friend was leaving as well.   I got on my bike and she in her car, and I said gee I could get some free miles in if I just hung on to your car, she quickly said I would love you as my hood ornament!   I explained I would need to hang on to her door handle in order for my tires to rotate and  to move the odometer.  She said as she was giggling, "Oh I think that would be a wide load, and I can see losing you when I passed a parked car."    Friends that can make you giggle worth keeping!

This last week I have cycled alone, I really thought with Wes being off he would join me, but he was golfing and doing some work in the basement.   He wanted to head to Moraine Lake and take some photographs, so I headed out with him, but brought my bike.   It was beautiful, got a small walk in around the lake and than had a picnic on a rock by stream.   It was a perfect day, got my mountain fix in, and a cycle ride.   I had Wes drop me off in Banff and I cycled to Canmore and meet up with him.  It was my first time being alone cycling in the mountains, I only saw 4 other bikers the whole time, which is rare on that trail.   The afternoon sun was hitting the mountains  in a way that I saw textures in the rock that made me feel in awe of them.   There were so many different shades of grey I have never noticed that before. ( No I wasn't thinking of the books 50 shades of grey, I haven't read them!)  There is something so peaceful that comes over me when I'm in the mountains, and today was no exception.   I loved it!

I was cycling and pondering late in the week weather I should push my self and get the miles done so that I could reach the 1500km  on our upcoming cycling holiday in Coeur D'lane.  It's been in the back of my  mind for awhile, as I am cycling to Winnipeg where I was born, and my grandmother was born in Coeur D'lane so was thinking of the family connection to it all.   My left leg and foot is really bugging me when I cycle, my foot is bruised on the top and hurts to walk.    So I knew in my brain what my decision should be but my heart was pulling me elsewhere.   One of my pet peeves that I hate about having MS, is having to schedule my energy,  this is especially true for holidays, rest before and after...  it just bugs me.  Anyways, when I got home, Wes says, oh Bike Bros called and your part is in, so you have to give them the bike on Monday and they will squeeze it in to get it fixed prior to our holiday.   Don't you just love it, when decisions are made for you!...   I don't believe in coincidences, so I'm sure I needed the rest prior to our trip.

On my ride today, it was the first time in awhile that I felt that good on my bike, I had energy and enjoyed the whole cycle.  I even had to come home and get more water, a first this year!   There was lots of activity on the trails today, TSN was broadcasting from Mitford Ponds and there was a skateboarding competition
going on as well.   I love watching this, so when I heard the music I headed that way.   As I was passing a couple of the youth, one said oh look at that retro bike, pointing at my lime green comfort bike.   At least he was talking about my bike and not me.    I stopped and watched and after watching for about a half hour, I had to giggle to myself, here I am sitting on my comfort bike with my helmet on, watching these youth taking some awful big jumps and spills with no protection on..   I'm officially the older generation.!

I have become allergic to many things, and sensitive to lots of food in the last few years, I blame it on a weakened immune system.  One of the worst things is Ice Cream, which was always my comfort food.  I never thought I would ever give it up, but I have.... So when I came across this on the trail today, looking lonely I thought it was a real cruel joke.  

Not sure when my bike will be ready, but the next blog will be great, as I'm going to my favorite place to cycle!......   Asking me if I'm smiling... 

I'm officially at 1228 kms done!

In my dream world I am 6kms out of Neepawa, I enjoyed dipping my feet in the whitemud river which begins there.   I thought of my hubby while I was there as it's the Lily capital of the world, which is Wes's favorite flower.   I really need a starbuck's latte...... 

I hope you have a great day, and it has a least one good giggle in it...   Peace

Saturday, August 11, 2012

61kms in one day! I'm in Manitoba

Well since I usually tell myself I'm only allowed two poor me MS days a year, it's time to focus on the good.
I hit Manitoba and this week, and can't believe I'm in the last province, I am certain now I will get this done sooner than I originally anticipated, but will continue cycling till the snow flies.   Just that once I GET ER DONE,  I will go back to normal cycling for fun and fitness, not because I have to.

Lady luck was with me for a change, for my first cycle after hitting the 1000 mark, maybe I've turned a corner, I sensed the rain coming again, and headed home and just got home when the rain started again.  Life is good.   On my cycle, I encountered a deer in Glenbow and stopped as it was nervous and on the trail.  He slowly crossed the wooded bridge over the creek and went into the bushes. I than cycled around in a circle for awhile looking for it, I'm glad I didn't see me from a kitchen window, I can't imagine what someone would think.. Crazy lady on lime green bike going in circles, is she lost?. thank goodness I didn't have orange hair when this was happening.

I have what I call a theme song that reminds me to live and fight my MS my way, when I wasn't even 25 I had received some bad news at the MS clinic and got in my car, and the song Turn me Loose by Loverboy was playing, and I have always said it's my theme song for my fight.   It could just be because I listen to the older rock stations, but I believe it's being played more this summer.   Love these words in the song, I was born to dream, I was born to run.... but especially Turn me Loose I have to do it my way!   Now I'm sure some would just say isn't that stubbornness?

Well yesterday I was excited to get out and cycle the canal area Calgary to Chestermere (small town outside of Calgary).   I wanted to get a good long run in, and this area is paved and FLAT, almost felt like I was cheating.  Some friends joined for part of the ride and it was good to have some company on the cycle.
Once we hit outside of the city and hit the prairie area it was only fitting that it made me feel like I was cycling in Manitoba.  The sky was awesome you could see for miles going east, I loved watching the grasses blow in the breeze, I love all the colors and textures of the different grasses, and the way they blow in the breeze.   Oh did I say breeze twice,  the breeze turned into what I would  call a wind in parts of the way to Chestermere, only once did I think that hills are better with no wind than flat with wind.    It wasn't till the second part of our ride that I realized this really was a breeze!

We passed a couple of areas where they are preserving wetlands, as a bird lover it's great reason to stop have a short rest and enjoy the waterfowl.   I saw a black small heron,little blue heron is the only image that matches but it's not supposed to be any where around here so have no idea what I saw. I also saw a sparrow hawk sitting on a rock eating his lunch, and some ducks and geese.  It's great entertainment while you are cycling and good reasons to stop and enjoy some nature and grab a sip of water!   Made some new friends on the trail, they were gorgeous animals and very friendly!

As we were nearing Chestermere, maybe it's because I'm thinking of Manitoba but Wes saw a sign and said to me Portage,(he pronounced it like the town Portage La Prairie in MB) and I looked and thought what are the odds of that here!   Now maybe it's all wishful thinking or just a tired body, but my first glance I believed him, and then soon realized I need to remember I live with a jokester.

             We said goodbye to our friends, and headed to max bell arena and I decided I wanted to make a new milestone and cycle 60 kms, we headed out and soon I realized the difference between a breeze and wind!    The good thing for a change was we started out fighting the wind,so knew coming back would be easier.  Once we got past the industrial area, there was lots of greenery and felt more like a park setting.
We cycled by Inglewood golf course and it sure is a mature course that looked awesome, and we also cycled past Heatherglen golf course on our way to Chestermere, I got my first round in the day before and my heartstrings were pulling towards golf while I was cycling by.   Did I mention I beat my hubby yesterday in golf!... I had the golf game of my life and beat the boys, ask me if I was smiling.  The last 10 kms were hard, my butt was sore, my feet were numb, and just plain pooped out.    I know there's a word for this but I just can't think of it, when we were close to the turn off to the car I realized I was going to be short a few kms. so we had to turn around and fight the wind for 2.5 kms. so I could get the 60 kms in.    It did feel good about 5 hours after I got off the bike seat!

I am officially at 1126....YIPPEE!   I am now mentally in in the mood of GET ER DONE,,  but I have to remember not to overdue I have a longer way on the fundraiser sector.

I want to thank all of you that are sending me cheers via the email, your words continue to make me pedal, many have brought me to tears, and the bonus to this crazy cycle, is realizing just how blessed I am to have so many great friends in my life!   Ask me if I'm smiling.

I know I have been asked many times the last couple of weeks, how to comment on the blog, all I know is I believe you have to sign in through yahoo or Google.  If someone out there knows a hint please post....

In my dreamworld I'm in the last province, this is the province  where my roots were first planted, as I was born in Manitoba.  I can see Shoal Lake in the distance, but have no energy to get there, so will sit on the approach and enjoy the views of the prairie grasses blowing in the wind....and enjoy the blue skies that go on forever.

Once again, I hope you enjoy your day, and make the most of it!



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sad reminder why I'm doing this.

Yesterday was a sad reminder of why I'm cycling as a fundraiser for Ms.  A lady with MS in Calgary died in a house fire, she was immobile and was trapped.   This is a fear I believe all people with MS have.  The lose of choice, having to have others responsible for you and  relying on others for your daily care.   This is why I am so passionate about the endMs campaign, as one of the things they are working on is researching a way for the damaged myelin to be repaired.    This could help people in wheelchairs, to walk with a cane or help with memory, bladder control etc.  It brings hope.     This has really hit me hard, it reminds me of my friend who passed away from complications with the disease and a fellow church member who is now confined to a home.   Maybe it bothers me more because of moving into the stage of  secondary progressive MS, it brings these fears closer to home.   My odds of being immobile are higher.  I love that there is finally some research being done beyond the modifying drugs, as there are many like myself that can not use them.

EndMS Campaign reminds me that there are others out there fighting to bring new treatments and have a passion to brings new ideas to the surface to fight MS.

I will blog again in a few days on a more upbeat message about my cycling, I am taking tomorrow off to get a round of golf in,, my first one this season, and to refuel my spirit.

I will leave this post with a magnet I bought the other day.

Hope is the music that plays from your soul.

I'm not ready for the music to stop, with your support we can make music together.

Peace my friends... Theresa

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1000 DOWN...500 TO GO

I hit the 1000km, mark on July 31, great way to end the month of July!

I never would of anticipated at the beginning of this journey, that the 750 - 1000 kms would be so hard.  It was mentally and physically the hardest kms I have ever done.  The heat zapped my energy, and made me feel like a kettle getting unplugged.   The numbness and tinkling to my feet and legs make it hard to continue to pedal.   I coped a couple of times by going out and just doing a short cycle run, my supportive husband began calling this, just going to blow the stink off!.. Such a nice send off !

Thanks to my sister Lori, who when I was chatting with her said, take a break and do something else... I think just getting the permission to take a mental break helped.   I know it seems small to healthy bikers out there, but for me with limited energy this is all so consuming.  I am looking forward to cycling because I love it and  I can, than because I have to!

We headed to the mountains on the weekend, and went early to cycle from Canmore to Banff and back again.   I love this run, the views are breathtaking and I love to cycle outside of the city!  It was a great day,  here's the view when I hit the 900km mark.

The following story is true!  but I have to admit if I hadn't of experienced it first hand I would not believe it.

The heat was really bothering me and I used lots of our water with soaking head and pouring it down my back to cool off on our way back.   I finally decided to sip on a orange sports drink, we stopped again at where we hit the 900 mark as Wes thought he could get a better picture.  I sat in the shade and poured some more liquid in my hair and down my back, and when I ran my hand through my hair I realized it was orange and sticky!...  Now I'm sitting there looking like a complete idiot when a group of tourists with 3 dogs about 30 feet away were going for a hike and were struggling with opening the gate, when the man of the group asks one of the hiker if she sprayed her dog with the bear spray? She responded yes from the neck down, I'm sure my mouth was wide open, I was about to get up and let them know about it, when the lady of the group said, we sprayed our tent last night and there was a smell to it, and I think it attracts the bears!  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, than she said, I think we are using this bear spray wrong and when we are done we are going to the warden and getting directions on how to use it.  I thought ok who are they going to listen to the idiot with orange sticky hair and orange stained shirt or the park warden?  I sat back down and enjoyed the shade!   I guess they thought  it worked like mosquito repellent.

Oh did you notice the neat socks I'm wearing.... I got them on our trip to Jasper .. Love them!

I finally got a long run in today, and it was great.   I felt stronger than I have in a few weeks, and as I've said before there are times that cycling alone brings it own peace to me, it is both emotionally and physically healing. I enjoyed the beauty of  the clouds building a storm and the sun peaking through them.   The only glitch I had was realizing I was going to hit the 1000 mark and I wasn't sure if it would turn back to zero, so I headed home to get my camera. I searched  for about 20 minutes, during the search I did find an old granola bar, it tasted pretty good.   I finally found the camera and went to do 8 k's to get to the milestone.    It turned close to our house on the red path, and I jumped off and took out the camera... dead batteries!....I went home and got Wes's camera and got a picture of this great milestone.  Thank goodness I could ditch the bike and head home, it's a picture  I am glad I have to share!

.In my dream world, I  enjoyed cycling through Yorkton and looking at all the changes and remembering my teen years with some smiles,regrets but always with a giggle.   I am in Bredenbury and when you Google the town, they tell me it has 364 residents in a quiet community with paved streets.... Really glad for the paved streets.   I am 42kms from the Manitoba border and I find that hard to believe.   The rest of my dream world travels will be with an open mind as I  have no memories or experiences with the rest of the trip.    Only the road trips of going back to my folks place.

My wish for those reading this today, is that you have a day filled with understanding and gratefulness for those in your world that surround you with love and support.  And of course the temp is your favorite temp for a summer day..

Take care my friends